Since I do believe that all of you are friends of mine on the Facebook, you may have a sense of what happened to my plans for Cannonball Read III, which also impacted my plans for this blog.
You see, right around the time that I was gearing up for CBR-III, I ended up volunteering to coordinate the thing. That completely side-tracked my own personal plans to participate in CBR-III as a reader/reviewer. I did enough work organizing it, that I really didn't have time for other things, like, I don't know, reading books (let alone reviewing them). I've sincerely enjoyed my part in keeping Cannonball Read going for another year, don't get me wrong! It's just that I only have so much time in the day, and I'm not particularly speedy anyway, and I am not a multi-tasker, *and* there is only so much time I can spend in front of the computer. All of which added up to this blog being even more neglected than it already was.
Of course, it didn't help that right around the time that CBR-III was starting, I also got the Bundt Cake Season blog up and running (don't worry that's been neglected too, though not as much as this one). So yeah, even less time to devote to this blog.
But I have been thinking about the Baboon-Faced Gourd blog, and what I might do with it. So, we'll see. I don't want to abandon it all together. You might want to check in periodically. Or not.
And, I just finished my review of Lucky Jim, which I plan to get up in the next day or two.
So there ya go, an update. Of sorts.